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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Fitness - Part 4, Mindset (FitnessME)

Part 3 will discuss, explain and show examples of what I consider a good mindset, which are based on  different techniques, trails and errors that I have learnt over the years.

First lets define what the word 'MINDSET' actually means. 

The English dictionary: 
  1. An attitude, disposition, or mood
  2. An intention or inclination
The English Thesaurus
  • Synonyms: Attitude, behaviourism, ethos, medicine, mental make-up, mental processes, mentality,   mind, personality study, psych, psyche, science of the mind, therapy, way of thinking, what makes someone tick, where head is at, approach, belief, character, frame of mind.
Their are a lot of different terms and words but the best way for me to describe, what I mean by mindset is setting your focus, taking into consideration what can off balance you.

It's like firing a bow. You set your mind to the task at hand. What does it take to get your arrow from Point A (Me) the most important factor and Point B (Bow) to Point D (Target), Point C being Consideration, what can affect you hitting your target. Whether it helps or doesn't, such as wind resistance and strength.
You take aim, focus on your target, you fire and you achieve your goal, next target?
I guess what I am trying say, have you set your minds focus to archive what is possible? Freeing yourself of doubts and negativity. One set focus, one set goal? Having Multiply goals is fine but too many and you will defuse your aim.

You already have multiply mindsets. You just don't know you do. Have a deep think about what I mean by this. 

When you get up in the morning, your mindset is to get ready for the day ahead. The mindset you use when your at work. The mindset you have in the evenings. The mindset when you want something compared to the mindset when you don't want something. Understanding your current mindsets and controlling them. Will help you put everything around you into perspective. Once you have mastered this you can create any mindset you need to achieve, the task at hand. You have the power to do anything you want, just set your goal, focus on it and achieve it. 

However all this being said and done, at the end of the day, were all human and we get distracted. So what can we do to strengthen are mindsets? In fact its something we do everyday. 


We're creates of habit and sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zones. Say 'Yes' instead of 'No' and 'No' instead of 'Yes'. 

Change your self-portfolio. When we like something, we like to surround ourselves with it, we like to know everything about it, we like to keep up to date with it, we like what it says about us to others and ourselves. 

With today's modern technology this has become even easier to do. Make use of everything at your disposal. Create reminders that help keep you focus, engaged and most of all have fun with it, people rarely turn down a good time. 

Previous Fitness (Parts) Blogs

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters

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