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Monday 11 February 2013

Chinese New Year 10th February 2013

Let me start this post of with Gong Hei Fat Choi (Happy Chinese New Year, in Cantonese) to everyone celebrating.

It's the year of the 'Snake' and I celebrated with my friends at 'Kpop' (CNY club promotion event) and it was awesome, besides the two hour entry wait outside the club because 'Revolutions' has a new security procedure where they take photos of you and your I.D. and because of this it took forever to get inside.

Once in, the party started, mad drinking, mad dancing and bare jokes shared by everyone. 

The mean reason why I was celebrating there was because I had one friends birthday and another friends leaving party. Who will be leaving the country with no current plans to return and the worse part is I didn't even get to see him ¬_¬' How lame is that!?? Very LAME,

Closer to the end of the night we moved onto Chinatown where we ate at the legendary after party night restaurant to go to '1997'. Not a completed night-out, without getting some food from here. Also got some extra food for takeaway. With the amount of alcohol I had my stomach was definitely going to need it in the morning.

I crashed at my friends house, which we reached around 7:30AM although we have no idea how it took us so long. We left the club before 4AM and with an average calculation of time spent travelling and eating we somehow lost a hour, crazy.

Anyway the takeaway food was perfect in the morning too.

Why is cold Chinese food or matter of fact most takeaway foods like 'Pizza' in the morning or the day after taste so good?

Slept for about four hours and once I wake up. I stay up. Good thing too because me and my friend had to travel back to my area because we had a CNY dinner party to attend. My voice was so rough as well. I must have been screaming my head off.

However we still showed up late, probably because we were playing 'Scott Pilgrim vs the world' first time I've played it and its so addictive. 

The dinner party was great. We hooked up two xbox 360's and played eight player 'Bomberman' and of course some 'Call of Duty Black Ops 2'. The highlight game of the party was 'Articulate' can't mess with the old school classic board games. Always good time.

Then it started snowing which was a awesome end to the evening.

Below is a link to BBC News article on the parade that took place during the day, enjoy.

Chinese New Year London Parade this Year

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

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