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Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentines Day - Most Romantic Day of the Year or NOT?

The 14th of February, Saint Valentines day, commonly know as Valentines Day, one of the biggest celebrated worldwide festive day's of the year. However Valentines Day is viewed in many different ways:
  • A Day of Love
  • A Day of Affection
  • A Day of Friendship
  • A Day of Reflection
  • A Day to Eat Lots of Chocolate
  • A Day of Flowers
  • A Day of Proposals
  • A Day of Breakups 
  • A Day of Red Colors   
  • A Day of Dread
  • A Day of Self-Loafing
  • A Day of Meanings Sex Just to Feel Connected or Wanted 
  • A Day of Loneliness
  • A Day of Wasted Money
  • A Day of Commercial Smartest (invented by corporations to make money during the most typical hardest financial quarter of the year to make money)
  • And Apparently A Day of Pranks
Over time the history of what Valentines Day memorialized has been lost just like most meanings of worth. But that's what human evolution and progress means.

For anyone that is interested in the origin of valentines days before it morphed into the day which is commonly celebrated now. It began as an celebration of one more Christan saints named Valentius
"The most popular martyrology associated with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire; during his imprisonment, he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states that before his execution he wrote "from your Valentine" as a farewell to her". Quoted from Wikipedia
Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New. 
I personally feel that if you truly love someone you don't need a special day in the year to show you love them because you should show them every second of the day you spend with them how special they are. I am a romantic at heart but these days I feel that's a trait that isn't fully appreciated by women.

For the last few years I haven't had any valentines (not really although my BFF sends me valentine cards and texts) and this year as i am being celibate so I don't expect to get any valentine requests but I wish everyone that celebrates a merry day and those that don't a productive day but what ever your doing don't waste the day.

Below are some more videos I found this morning that I enjoyed. Share the love everyone.

#YoureADouche on Valentine's Day
 Cheating On V-Day (Check out the link in the description for the 'what actions do people consider cheating? or right here to save time, I have also posted the chart as image on my facebook)

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters 

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