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Monday 27 May 2013

Insanity Day 42 - Changes and Holiday Plans.

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Happy Monday morning everyone and it's a bank holiday Monday again as well. So my guess would be a lot of you out there are recovering from your long weekends. I spoiled myself yesterday at Sunday roast. I am going to do separate blog about it. 

Today was the last day of month two, week two of the Insanity workout. Tomorrow is my rest day and I am going on holiday to America as well. I am going to try and continue my insanity workout while I am out there. However if I can't I will design some intense workouts to work myself while I am out there. 

I will be posting as best as I can but I will apologies now if it's not everyday.

I can't wait to go. Relaxation aboard and relaxation from working out; Double Relaxation - A DR Holiday. Sounds good to me.

Today's Motivational Features

Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 83cm

After Workout 

Gut = 87cm
Tighten Gut = 83cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Insanity Day 41 - Always Get Back Up

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Woo . . What a great start to a lovely Sunday morning. This morning I woke up annoyed with myself because I had a cheat day yesterday with my food. I had a XL whooper meal from Bigger King. When I measured myself in the evening and morning I put on extra two inches around my waist/gut line. Not pleased at all. However did I let that beat me, of course not. 

I put up my white board last night and this morning wrote a reminder to 'GO ALL IN' and how awesome I am. I kept looking at it as I powered though my Insanity workout today. 

So guess what? I took off those two inches and 1 more on top. How Boss is that. 

Now bring on the Sunday Roast.

Today's Motivational Features

I couldn't decide which one looks better so I posted both versions.

1#                                                                            2#

Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 85cm

After Workout 

Gut = 87cm
Tighten Gut = 82cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Insanity Day 40 - Strength Within

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

The sun is shining and it's actually warm outside this morning for a  change. Happy Saturday morning to everyone and as it is a Saturday. That means I did my recovery workout today, which was great. No matter what insanity workout I am doing its always a challenge and I love it.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 83.5cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 83.5cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Friday 24 May 2013

Insanity Day 38 & 39 - Apologies

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Hey everyone, so i said I was going post after 10:00 GMT London time on my Fitness Page but I didn't and I apologies for that. I was going to finish my blog post at work. However when I got into work I changed into my 'Work Mindset' and everything else was forgotten, so apologies again.

I am loving month two. The more I put in, the more I get out. It's all about pushing and getting more out of yourself. Make your mind, will your body to do more because it can. When your body says no-more, it is just being lazy becuase you can do more (and you know you can). If you haven't passed out, puked or hurt yourself? Then whats stopping you from doing 1 more rep? Just tell yourself one more rep and if that doesn't kill me then another one. Keep doing it until you physically can not or until the timer/round has stopped (assuming your doing a time based workout).

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 85cm

Before Workout

Gut = 87cm
Tighten Gut = 83cm

After Workout 

Gut = 86cm
Tighten Gut = 82.5cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Insanity Day 37 - Nothing Will Stop Me

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Month two, week two and after good rest day we go right back into max cardio condition. What a great workout. Giving it everything you have to become faster stronger and better.

Today my motivational features have been inspired by my love for 'Final Fantasy' games. The innovation of through and design is so motivational to me. The games show us the beauty of what the mind and body is truly capable of and that inspires me to be better.

I hope you like them.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 85cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 84cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 83.5cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Monday 20 May 2013

Insanity Day 36 - Month Two, Week One, Don

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

I have finished the first week and it was great blasting through out all the 'Max' workouts. Tomorrow is rest day and I am going make sure I eat right and recover well because week two is a new beginning, a new me and I am going blast my body once again. Looking so forward to it. Once working out becomes a joy of your life you have to nurture it, cherish it and you will always be rewarded with health and happiness. An also a FIT BOD. Hahaha

Today's Motivational Features

Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 83cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 83cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Insanity Day 35 - Make That Decision

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Almost the end of week one of month two Insanity and I am feeling amazing. Everyday I feel myself pushing and working harder and harder. Every time you workout, it should feel like your working out for the first time (physically that is). Always challenging your body and mind to be better. No better feeling then that in the world or universe.

Checkout my results below I have made some serious changes since month one.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 84.5cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 84cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Insanity Day 34 - Everything We Do Is Important.

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

First max recovery session and it was tough but good. I can feel my body getting more fatigued as the week is progressing. Sometimes people will say to you:

'why put yourself through this pain?' 

I say

'I am not an masochist but if it makes me a better person then why not?'

Life is what we make of it. We have been blessed we've amazing bodies so why don't we use them to their true potential? What is stopping us? One simple answer; ME.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Before Workout

Gut = 87cm
Tighten Gut = 86.5cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 85.5cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Friday 17 May 2013

Insanity Day 33 - Never Give Up

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Wow, my body is so sore from yesterdays workout, freaking love it. This morning was day three of month two, insanity; 'Max Cardio Condition'. I can't believe how many times I stopped but regardless how many times. I kept on going till the end and the next time I do the workout I will do more and more. That's how we progress by pushing and never giving up. Sometimes it may feel like your not improving but the mere fact you've stuck in there, proves you have.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 86.5cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Insanity Day 32 - Transforming

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

They say it takes one month to notice the change, two months to see it and three for other to notice the change.

It feels like Insanity has knocked this saying in half. You want to see insane results then you got to train insane. You got to give everything you have to get back everything you want.

Today's Motivational Features

Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 87cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

After Workout 

Gut = 86.5cm
Tighten Gut = 85.5cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Insanity Day 31 - Fit Test & Month Two (Max Workouts)

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

This morning was A-MA-ZING, great fitness test results and I survived the first max workout right after. This morning was just over a hour and a half workout session. I was so psyched up for this. I went sleep early last night in preparation, I really just couldn't wait to get this done. Every workout day should feel like this.
Today I also start my evening workouts so I am also looking forward to this. Its focused around body strengthening via circuit and weight training, It won't be super intense after this morning insanity. Always remember, never over do your workouts. Your body is your temple and it should be treated as so. 
Please found my fit test results below and enjoy my two feature images for today. I hope everyone founds them very motivation because I definitely did.

Today's Motivational Features

Fit Test Results

Week 1
Week 3
Week 6
Switch Kicks
Power Squats
Power Knees
Power Jumps
Global Jumps
6 Sets
8 Sets
Suicide Jumps
Push-Up Jacks
Low Plank Oblique’s

Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Monday 13 May 2013

Insanity Day 30 - Finish What You Start

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Apologies for late post, I know I said I would get them out at 9am GMT (London, Dublin). However I had a late night last night celebrating a friends birthday. 

Today was the last day of recovery week and I finished off the session with a massive smile. I can see and feel the improvements and I can to appreciate it for rest of my life because its more then a fad its a lifestyle.

Want to be the best you can be? Then you must strive everyday to be better then you were yesterday. 

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Insanity Day 29 - Always Want More

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Fifth day of 'Core Cardio and Balance and only one more day to go till recovery week is over. My body is starting to feel the toll of the week slightly. I am looking forward to this rest day. Especially considering the day after is fit test and start of month two day. I am looking forward to pushing it hard and seeing my progress results.
Today's Motivational Features

Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Insanity Day 28 - Remember to Review Commitments

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Fourth day of 'Core Cardio and Balance' and my body is feeling great although I snaked out little yesterday. Very naughty of m and Judging by my 'Gut Results' it had an impact. A review of commitments right now will be very good.
So if anyone feels like they falling a little of track? Look back at what you said you were going to do to improve and refocus. Today isn't finish and tomorrow is a new day.  
Today's Motivational Features



Last Night

Gut = 91cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

After Workout 

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Friday 10 May 2013

Insanity Day 26 - Make Te Most of Everyday

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

It's my third day of recovery week and I have to say I wasn't feeling great this morning. However that's due to the fact I went out last night, not for long. However I did have a bit to drink and spent more then I should have, so not feeling great about that.

Although I was feeling like this, I focused and changed my mindset and readied myself for my workout and the rest of today. 

We can not change what has passed and if we dwell on what we can't change, we will stop moving forward. 
Today's Motivational Features



Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 85cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Insanity 25 -Takecare of Your Body

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Second day of 'Cardio recovery & Balance' and I am feeling pretty good. The downtime my body is getting is needed after all the maximum effort I have been putting in. Always remember your body is your temple and you should honor it every single day.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Insanity Day 24 - Staying Fighting Fit

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Today was the first actual day of cardio recovery and balance week. Last week I made a mistake. I had misread my tracker. However I have downloaded this cool Insanity tracker off the android market. Now It be impossible for me to lose track as it does daily reminders.

Cardio recovery and balance is still a great workout (although this week is considered low intensity) because after four weeks of intense training your body will need a change of pace. Overworking the body can be dangerous so during, this week take the time to relax and give your body the rest it needs. 

Remember once this week is over it's month two and if you think month one was insanity. You really don't know what insanity is. Like everything in life; Once you've mastered what is considered hard, something new comes along, which is harder. That's why life is so wonderful. There's always a challenge around the corner.

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 91cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Monday 6 May 2013

Insanity Day 23 - Fighting Foward

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

It's bank holiday Monday and I am sure lots of you, out there are trying to recover from your crazy weekends. Well today is perfect to do a workout or make sure you don't miss your workout if you're already on it.

Burn off those bad calories you accumulated over the weekends and be a better YOU.

Today's Motivational Feature

Last Night

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Insanity Day 22 - Whats Your Power Colour?

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

When I do Pure cardio followed by pure cardio abs. I like to wear my RED training shorts. The colour RED is a symbol for power and its a reminder to me to 'GO ALL IN', push to my maximum and give it my all. 

Today's Motivational Feature
Last Night

Gut = 91cm
Tighten Gut = 90cm

Before Workout

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

After Workout 

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Insanity Day 21 - Recovery Workouts are just as Important

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

It is almost the end of the work week for me. However for my Insanity workouts, it is only the midweek. Today was my cardio recovery day. I have to say the way I am doing Insanity, blends well into my week schedule. Saturday always being a busy day, it's nice doing a lower intensity workout, before I venture out into the world and enjoy the rest of my day.

Today's Motivational Feature
Last Night

Gut = 91cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

After Workout 

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Friday 3 May 2013

Insanity Day 20 - Challenge Yourself

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Every day I challenge my body because I want to be better then who I was yesterday. You might be doing the same thing you did yesterday, However your doing it faster and better. Everyday you push you get stronger and better. 
If you want to change and make that transformation, into something better. You have to push beyond your limitations. The ones that you have set for yourself without even knowing you have.

Today's Motivational Feature
Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 90cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 86cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Fitness - Part 5, Body Type - Do You know Your Body Type?

Now that we have a better understanding of our minds lets move onto our bodies. Part 4 will discuss, explain and show examples of the three body types in relation to diet and training styles.

During my journey of research into personal fitness. I came across the term, Somatotypes. A theory of constitutional psychology developed by William Herbert Sheldon, an American Psychologist in the 1940s. Although some of his works were dismissed it created a spark and his terminologies have been referred to throughout history ever since.

'William proposed that the human physique be classified according to the relative contributions of three fundamental elements'.  

Taking a look his theories gave me a better understanding of my body. To truly make a difference and improve your lifestyle. You need to understand your body as well as your mind and how it works. 

So what are the three body types?

Ectomorph - Characterised by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to as slim.
  • Fragile
  • Thin
  • Flat chest
  • Delicate build
  • Young appearance
  • Tall
  • Lightly muscled
  • Stoop-shouldered
  • Large brain
  • Has trouble gaining weight
  • Muscle growth takes longer
  • Fast Metabolising 
Training Tips - 'Ectomorphs find it very hard to gain weight. They have a fast metabolism which burns up calories very quickly. Ecto’s need a huge amount of calories in order to gain weight. Workouts should be short and intense focusing on big muscle groups. Supplements are definitely recommended. Ectomorphs should eat before bed to prevent muscle catabolism during the night. Generally, ectomorphs can lose fat very easily which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them'. - Quoted from Muscle and Strength
Mesomorph - Characterised by medium bones, solid torso, low fat levels, wide shoulders with a narrow waist; usually referred to as muscular. Mesomorphs are predisposed to build muscle but not store fat.
  • Athletic
  • Hard, muscular body
  • Overly mature appearance
  • Rectangular shaped (hourglass shaped for women)
  • Thick skin
  • Upright posture
  • Gains or loses weight easily
  • Grows muscle quickly
Training Tips - 'The mesomorph body type responds the best to weight training. Gains are usually seen very quickly, especially for beginners. The downside to mesomorphs is they gain fat more easily than ectomorphs. This means they must watch their calorie intake. Usually a combination of weight training and cardio works best for mesomorphs'. - Quoted from Muscle and Strength
Endomorph - Characterized by increased fat storage, a wide waist and a large bone structure, usually referred to as fat. Endomorphs are predisposed to storing fat.
  • Soft body
  • Flabby
  • Underdeveloped muscles
  • Round shaped
  • Over-developed digestive system
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Generally gains muscle easily
Training Tips - 'When it comes to training endomorphs find it very easy to gain weight. Unfortunately, a large portion of this weight is fat not muscle. To keep fat gain to a minimum, endomorphs must always train cardio as well as weights. Usually supplements may not be needed as long as the person has a high protein intake in their diet'. - Quoted from Muscle and Strength

I am close to Mesomorph. I say close because it is possible to be a mixture of two. I would be considered an Mesomorph/Endomorph.

So 'What body type are you?' have a page that allows you to answer a few questions. Answer them as accurately as you can and you will found your body type. Link: So what is your body type?

Extra Resources Websites:

Previous Fitness (Parts) Blogs

Part 4 - Mindset (FitnessMe) 

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Insanity Day 19 - The Path is Clear

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

This morning my body got out of bed. I made the bed, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I finished off with a quick five minute stretch. This is the first thing I do in the mornings, every morning. Why is this so special? Its a routine I do and I did it without the aide of my alarm. I wake at six AM every morning but today I woke myself. When your body adjusts, doesn't it just feel so great and right? My new comfort zone. I call this my morning ritual and its something that gets me mentally focus for today's path ahead.  

Whats your morning ritual? How do you put yourself on the right path ahead?

I am really loving Insanity, everything that my bodies needs in full body cardio workout. However I am currently doing this in my room. It's almost big enough but I do feel little restricted sometimes. I am doing Insanity in my room because downstairs kitchen and front room, are having building work done. 

There's never an excuse not to workout.

Today's Motivational Feature


Last Night

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 89cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 88cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 87cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Fitness - Part 4, Mindset (FitnessME)

Part 3 will discuss, explain and show examples of what I consider a good mindset, which are based on  different techniques, trails and errors that I have learnt over the years.

First lets define what the word 'MINDSET' actually means. 

The English dictionary: 
  1. An attitude, disposition, or mood
  2. An intention or inclination
The English Thesaurus
  • Synonyms: Attitude, behaviourism, ethos, medicine, mental make-up, mental processes, mentality,   mind, personality study, psych, psyche, science of the mind, therapy, way of thinking, what makes someone tick, where head is at, approach, belief, character, frame of mind.
Their are a lot of different terms and words but the best way for me to describe, what I mean by mindset is setting your focus, taking into consideration what can off balance you.

It's like firing a bow. You set your mind to the task at hand. What does it take to get your arrow from Point A (Me) the most important factor and Point B (Bow) to Point D (Target), Point C being Consideration, what can affect you hitting your target. Whether it helps or doesn't, such as wind resistance and strength.
You take aim, focus on your target, you fire and you achieve your goal, next target?
I guess what I am trying say, have you set your minds focus to archive what is possible? Freeing yourself of doubts and negativity. One set focus, one set goal? Having Multiply goals is fine but too many and you will defuse your aim.

You already have multiply mindsets. You just don't know you do. Have a deep think about what I mean by this. 

When you get up in the morning, your mindset is to get ready for the day ahead. The mindset you use when your at work. The mindset you have in the evenings. The mindset when you want something compared to the mindset when you don't want something. Understanding your current mindsets and controlling them. Will help you put everything around you into perspective. Once you have mastered this you can create any mindset you need to achieve, the task at hand. You have the power to do anything you want, just set your goal, focus on it and achieve it. 

However all this being said and done, at the end of the day, were all human and we get distracted. So what can we do to strengthen are mindsets? In fact its something we do everyday. 


We're creates of habit and sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zones. Say 'Yes' instead of 'No' and 'No' instead of 'Yes'. 

Change your self-portfolio. When we like something, we like to surround ourselves with it, we like to know everything about it, we like to keep up to date with it, we like what it says about us to others and ourselves. 

With today's modern technology this has become even easier to do. Make use of everything at your disposal. Create reminders that help keep you focus, engaged and most of all have fun with it, people rarely turn down a good time. 

Previous Fitness (Parts) Blogs

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters