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Thursday 28 February 2013

My Favorite Hotness (Female) List - Angelina Jolie

This is my second addition to 'My Favorite Hotness (Female) List' blog topic, which I stated I would be doing minimum once a month.

Featured today is the Gorgeous, Talented, Inspirational, Sweet, Humanitarian, Daring and so so Amazing Angelina Jolie.
Has been considered one of the worlds 'Most Beautiful' woman. 
"I can't say I disagree, to be honest".
Born 4th June 1975, birthplace Los Angeles, California but of German and Slovak descent.

Angelina Is a world known American actress and director. Inspired by her mother who was also actress, Marcheline Bertrand to get into acting. Angelina comes from a family background of actors, actress, singers and more. I am a massive fan of her work. I can't say I have seen all her works but I do remember the first film I saw her in, which still today is one of my favorite films and I am currently watching it as I type.


Hackers the film was Angelina's first leading character role. It's in fact the first film I saw where I saw my first female nipple. It's kinda crazy thinking about it now, makes me laugh. This film had so many different elements, the dress style, the culture, the music (Prodigy), the lust and more. 

Angelina is also known for her portrayal of 'Lara Croft' from Tomb Raider the game in the spin off movies. Lara Croft has/is considered the worlds most sexiest and known female game character to date.

"Lara Croft is also British, now come on how awesome is that"

Angelina also known for her leading role in Mr & Mrs Smith where her counterpart in real life (husband Brad Pitt) is also her counterpart in the film. Below is a trailer clip of the film if you haven't seen it. 

Besides Angelina Jolie's Career shes also a mother of six (three children with her husband and three adopted) and she's also humanitarian. Having worked for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as Goodwill Ambassador 

There's so much I can say about Angelina Jolie but I shall leave it at this and for all you out there that shall my love and joy for her I hope you enjoy the read and those that don't clearly don't know her. There are links below.

Definitely someone I would love to met in my life time.

Angelina Jolie - IMDB
Angelina Jolie - PEOPLE
Angelina Jolie - WIKI

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Fitness Me Journal, Workout - Day 4

Today I don't want to go to heavy as my body is feeling sore from the previous days workouts. However I want to keep my cardio up so I combined and built a workout with a bit of inspiration from Mike Chan that focused on Obliques, Abs, and triceps. 


2 Minute Stretch

10 Minute  Run

1 Minute Rest
Part 1 - Timed 4 Round Workout Routine

20 Plank Oblique Leg Pumps (Its what I call it but there is a actual name for it)

20 Mountain Climbers

20 High Knees

Time: 4.24 Minutes and seconds

1 Minute Rest

Part 2 - None Timed 2 Round Workout Routine 

20 Tricep Dips

20 Out Turned Pushups

20 Tricep Pushups

20 Crunches


Post Workout

Today after my warmup run I did a two part workout one that I followed from Mike Chan the second part I designed for myself as I wanted to focus on triceps today. It felt brutal I had planned on doing 3 or 4 rounds for the second part but it would have been to harsh for a low intense workout section. All in all it was great workout and I felt great after. Feeling that burn in my triceps.

Stay brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Fitness Me Journal, Workout - Day 3

Today I switched it up a little bit. I did a none-stop cardio warmup workout routine instead of a 10 minute run. Then followed by P90x Ab Ripper workout routine. 

The workout mainly focus on abs, glutes and legs but also little bit of arms and chest. 


50 Pushups

1 Minute Rest

12 Minutes Workout Routine - 30secs each exercise till finish:

Jogging on the spot
Jogging Kicks on the spot with arm sweeps
High Knees
Mountain Climbers
Star Push-Ups
Alternating Hook Punches
Jumping Jacks

1 Minute Rest

1 Minute Stretch

P90x Ab Ripper Workout

For this I used a workout app i have on my HTC One X (Android Handset) called 'Workout Trainer'. Its great app where it takes you thought-out the workout with a male or female voice trainer.

Android Link for App
Apple Link for App


Post Workout

For the warmup workout the main focus is to keep going no matter what even if you have to stop to take a quick breather.

I can really feel my abs and lower body working, especially sides which is good sign for my oblique muscles. Very intense workout on the mid section and well worth it.

Stay brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Fitness Me Journal, Workout - Day 2

Now back to what I did for this morning workout. below is the workout I did and the end results.

The workout mainly focus on abs, glutes and legs but also little bit of arms and chest. 


50 Pushups
10 Minute Run - Minimum Goal Target 1.5Miles
50 Pushups

1 Minute Rest

1 Minute Stretch

32 Minute HIITs workout
50Secs Active, 10Secs Rest.
4 Rounds

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
1 Heisman
2 High Knee Sit-ups Crunches
3 Scissor Kicks
4 Standing Alternating Punches
5 Side Left Leg Knee Pumps
6 Side Right Leg Knee Pumps
7 Power Squats
8 Jumping Jacks

1 Minute Stretch


Post Workout

As you can see from the results I started to die around and after round 2 but I stuck in  I LOVE jumping Jacks and the Heisman really gets your blood going, tigthen your abs and feel that burn. I can feel the burn in my thighs and really felt my abs working during this workout. Its even tingling now.

Stay brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Fitness Me Journal, Workout - Day 1

Apologies for the late post today. I will to try get these fitness workout blog post done in the morning after my workouts. I was going too this morning however I forgot my workout diary so I couldn't type down what I did during my workout on my way to work.

This is actually the second workout day I have done. However I've been so off track and I only posted day 1 on facebook. Although I want to post on here before anything else.
It's.really bad how I am not on track and trying to show you all how to create a perfect workout plan that links to your everyday schedule. This is not because I don't have a plan in place. It's because it's incomplete and I've been spending more time at work then what is needed. This will change from this week onwards and there will be following updates for fitness parts 3 and onwards.
Stay On Point No Matter What.
Now back to what I did for this morning workout. below is the workout I did and the end results.

The workout is a cardio based with focus on the abs, glutes and legs. 

10 Minute Run - 1.7Mile traveled

1 Minute Rest

24 Minute HIITs workout
50Secs Active, 10Secs Rest.
3 Rounds

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
1 Jogging High Knees
2 Standing side knee lift crunch (Left)
3 Standing side knee lift crunch (Right)
4 Mountain Climbers
5 High Plank (‘X’ if held for duration or ‘O’ if failed)
6 Jumping Squats
7 Side Leg lift Kick (Left)
8 Side Leg lift Kick (Right)

Number 5 the Plank was super hard. The Plank has so many fitness benefits and when you look at it people doing it you normally think that looks easier but believe me its not. However its super fun and I enjoyed this workout.

Stay brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentines Day - Most Romantic Day of the Year or NOT?

The 14th of February, Saint Valentines day, commonly know as Valentines Day, one of the biggest celebrated worldwide festive day's of the year. However Valentines Day is viewed in many different ways:
  • A Day of Love
  • A Day of Affection
  • A Day of Friendship
  • A Day of Reflection
  • A Day to Eat Lots of Chocolate
  • A Day of Flowers
  • A Day of Proposals
  • A Day of Breakups 
  • A Day of Red Colors   
  • A Day of Dread
  • A Day of Self-Loafing
  • A Day of Meanings Sex Just to Feel Connected or Wanted 
  • A Day of Loneliness
  • A Day of Wasted Money
  • A Day of Commercial Smartest (invented by corporations to make money during the most typical hardest financial quarter of the year to make money)
  • And Apparently A Day of Pranks
Over time the history of what Valentines Day memorialized has been lost just like most meanings of worth. But that's what human evolution and progress means.

For anyone that is interested in the origin of valentines days before it morphed into the day which is commonly celebrated now. It began as an celebration of one more Christan saints named Valentius
"The most popular martyrology associated with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire; during his imprisonment, he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states that before his execution he wrote "from your Valentine" as a farewell to her". Quoted from Wikipedia
Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New. 
I personally feel that if you truly love someone you don't need a special day in the year to show you love them because you should show them every second of the day you spend with them how special they are. I am a romantic at heart but these days I feel that's a trait that isn't fully appreciated by women.

For the last few years I haven't had any valentines (not really although my BFF sends me valentine cards and texts) and this year as i am being celibate so I don't expect to get any valentine requests but I wish everyone that celebrates a merry day and those that don't a productive day but what ever your doing don't waste the day.

Below are some more videos I found this morning that I enjoyed. Share the love everyone.

#YoureADouche on Valentine's Day
 Cheating On V-Day (Check out the link in the description for the 'what actions do people consider cheating? or right here to save time, I have also posted the chart as image on my facebook)

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters