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Wednesday 26 June 2013

Insanity Day 49 - Time to Finish this Workout Porgram

Good Day World, Good Day Universe

Today's work was amazing. Feels good to be back on track with the last two weeks of the Insanity workout to go.

I started off with the fitness, check out my results below compared to the previous fitness done. I am loving my improvements. Last fitness at the end of the insanity I am going to blow every single score. I can't wait for tomorrows workout.

After a hour and a half workout today. I was completely knackered and off to work I go. 

Fitness Test:

Week 1
Week 3
Week 6
Refresh Week
Week 8
Switch Kicks
Power Squats
Power Knees
Power Jumps
Global Jumps
6 Sets
8 Sets
9 Sets
8 Sets
7 Sets
Suicide Jumps
Push-Up Jacks
Low Plank Oblique’s

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90 cm
Tighten Gut = 84.5 cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 83.5 cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 86 cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Monday 24 June 2013

Insanity Day 48 - Day 6 of Refresh Week

Good Day World, Good Day Universe

Today was my last day of Refresh week and it was great one. I pushed myself as hard as I could and loved every second of it. I found during the workout talking to myself. Telling myself to push harder and longer, really motivated me. Lesson to myself, words hold power of us even in the most stressing situations. 

Refresh Week:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Fitness Test

Core Cardio & Balance
Pure Cardio
Core Cardio & Balance
Insane Abs
Max Cardio Conditioning

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90 cm
Tighten Gut = 89 cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 87 cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 86 cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Insanity Day 47 - Day 5 of Refresh Week

Good Day World, Good Day Universe

Another late post today and I do apologie. I should be back on track after tomorrows workout. So today is the first time, I have every done the 'Insane Abs' workout. It was wicked. Shaun T you have amazed me yet again. I was talking along with the video, saying to Shaun T. how sick he is for the transition of harder and then harder exercises. Some sets only lasted 15 seconds. The hardest but also the greatest 15 seconds of my life. 
Okay, okay maybe not my life but definitely a great workout. 

The workout only last for 33 minutes and its 90% focus on abs. A great workout that can be done after a good cardio or weight workout that's not focused on abs if your not following the Insanity program.

Refresh Week:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Fitness Test

Core Cardio & Balance
Pure Cardio
Core Cardio & Balance
Insane Abs
Max Cardio Conditioning

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 90 cm
Tighten Gut = 88 cm

Before Workout

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 85 cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 84 cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Insanity Day 46 - Day 4 of Refresh Week

Good Day World, Good Day Universe

Apologies for the late post I have come down with the cold so my body is in super recovery mode so I am sleeping longer then usual. Not letting it stop me from working out but being a great fan of big brother. I am staying up longer then what I usually would.

today's workout was great it feels like my body is catching up nicely and almost ready to get back on track with the last two weeks of insanity. Also showing some good results that can be read below.

Refresh Week:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Fitness Test

Core Cardio & Balance
Pure Cardio
Core Cardio & Balance
Insane Abs
Max Cardio Conditioning

Today's Motivational Features

I love my quote for today's feature because its a old one I came up with and it still lives true, enjoy.


Last Night

Gut = 90 cm
Tighten Gut = 88.5 cm

Before Workout

Gut = 87.5 cm
Tighten Gut = 82.5 cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88 cm
Tighten Gut = 84 cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Friday 21 June 2013

Insanity Day 45 - Day 3 of Refresh Week

Good Day World, Good Day Universe

Hows everyone doing this fine Friday? I just woke up not to long ago. I think I might be coming down with something. However that didn't stop me from doing my workout today. If anything it encourage me more. Have you ever heard that saying; "Working up a sweat is good to burn out the illness?" Well I believe their is some truth behind this. I am sure there is some science behind it too.

I hope everyone out there are still on track with their workouts and if you have fallen off I hope my words have motivated you to get back on track. The only thing that stops you from working out is yourself.

Refresh Week:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Fitness Test

Core Cardio & Balance
Pure Cardio
Core Cardio & Balance
Insane Abs
Max Cardio Conditioning

Today's Motivational Features


Last Night

Gut = 91 cm
Tighten Gut = 89 cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89 cm
Tighten Gut = 88 cm

After Workout 

Gut = 88.5 cm
Tighten Gut = 84.5 cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Insanity Day 44 - Day 2 of Refresh Week

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Happy morning everyone or I should say good evening. Just got home from work and notice I never published this blog this morning, My bad.

This morning was a struggle but it felt great getting the workout done. I went to the gym last night as well. Yes. That's right I said the gym after the work. I plan to be hitting the gym five times a week whilst still doing insanity in the mornings. It's going to be a massive drain on my body but the new energy and stamina levels I will achieve will be amazing. 

I will be posting details of my evening workout structure later on this week.

Refresh Week:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Fitness Test

Core Cardio & Balance
Pure Cardio
Core Cardio & Balance
Insane Abs
Max Cardio Conditioning

Today's Motivational Features

Last Night

Gut = 91 cm
Tighten Gut = 88 cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89 cm
Tighten Gut = 88 cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89 cm
Tighten Gut = 84.5 cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Insanity 43 - Day 1 of Refresh Week

Good Morning World, Good Morning Universe

Happy morning everyone, yes I am back. Well I was back last Tuesday but was suffering from serious jet-lag. I am now back to work and back on track.

As I haven't been following the Insanity workout when I was on holiday. I only worked out a few times on my three  weeks off. I have built a 'Refresh Week'. It's never good to jump right back into a heavy workout or workout program (month 2 of insanity). You well over stress your body and increase the chances of injury. So I will have to work my way back in.  

Refresh Week:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Fitness Test

Core Cardio & Balance
Pure Cardio
Core Cardio & Balance
Insane Abs
Max Cardio Conditioning

I didn't actually put on much weight during my holidays. However that being said I can feel and see the differences. The great thing about having fitness in your life. When you fall off track for small amount of time. As long as you keep your diet pretty good, when you jump back into working out again your body will adjust pretty fast. Burning off the fat that you built up during your travels. 

The human body is so amazing.

Refresh Week Fitness Test Results + Previous Results

Week 1
Week 3
Week 6
Refresh Week
Switch Kicks
Power Squats
Power Knees
Power Jumps
Global Jumps
6 Sets
8 Sets
9 Sets
8 Sets
Suicide Jumps
Push-Up Jacks
Low Plank Oblique’s

Looking at the results you can see my fitness level hasn't dropped that much.

Today's Motivational Features

I really missed making my daily motivational quotes and/or images. Today I have only posted one but expect a lot more during this week to make up for the day's missed out.


Last Night

Gut = N/A cm
Tighten Gut = N/A cm

Before Workout

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 86cm

After Workout 

Gut = 89cm
Tighten Gut = 85cm

Happy Training, Happy Fitness.

Facebook Album - My Workout Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Discovered Inspirations and Motivations Updated
Facebook Album - Workout Motivations Updated

Stay Brilliant, Stay Beautiful, Terry Masters.